Bot Commands


The bots default prefix is g^


g^addrole Add a role to a user.

g^editrole Edit role settings.

g^removerole Remove a role from a user.

g^selfrole Add or remove a selfrole from yourself.

g^selfroleset Manage selfroles.


g^invite Invite Galactic to your server


g^lock Lock @​everyone from sending messages.

g^lockserver Lock @​everyone from sending messages in the entire server

g^setlock Various Lock settings.

g^unlock Unlock the channel for @​everyone.

g^unlockserver Unlock the entire server for @​everyone


g^uptime Shows Galactic’s uptime.


g^audioset Music configuration options.

g^audiostats Audio stats.

g^autoplay Starts auto play.

g^bump Bump a track number to the top of the queue.

g^bumpplay Force play a URL or search for a track.

g^disconnect Disconnect from the voice channel.

g^eq Equalizer management.

g^genre Pick a Spotify playlist from a list of categories to start playing.

g^local Local playback commands.

g^now Now playing.

g^pause Pause or resume a playing track.

g^percent Queue percentage.

g^play Play the specified track or search for a close match.

g^playlist Playlist configuration options.

g^prev Skip to the start of the previously played track.

g^queue List the songs in the queue.

g^remove Remove a specific track number from the queue.

g^repeat Toggle repeat.

g^search Pick a track with a search.

g^seek Seek ahead or behind on a track by seconds or a to a specific time.

g^shuffle Toggle shuffle.

g^sing Make Galactic sing one of their songs.

g^skip Skip to the next track, or to a given track number.

g^stop Stop playback and clear the queue.

g^summon Summon the bot to a voice channel.

g^volume Set the volume, 1% - 150%.


g^away Tell the bot you’re away or back.

g^awaysettings View your current away settings

g^awaytextonly Toggle forcing the guild’s away messages to be text only

g^dnd Set an automatic reply when you’re dnd.

g^gaming Set an automatic reply when you’re playing a specified game

g^idle Set an automatic reply when you’re idle.

g^listening Set an automatic reply when you’re listening to Spotify

g^offline Set an automatic reply when you’re offline.

g^streaming Set an automatic reply when you’re streaming.

g^toggleaway Toggle away messages on the whole server or a specific guild member


Mods, Admins and Bot Owner are immune to this. (g^toggleaway)


g^bankset Base command for bank settings.


g^categoryhelp Get help for category.


g^cleanup Base command for deleting messages.


g^autoimmune Commands to manage server settings for immunity from automated actions.

g^command Commands to enable and disable commands and cogs.

g^contact Sends a message to the owner.

g^embedset Commands for toggling embeds on or off.

g^ignore Commands to add servers or channels to the ignore list.

g^localallowlist Commands to manage the server specific allowlist.

g^localblocklist Commands to manage the server specific blocklist.

g^set Commands for changing Galactic’s settings.

g^unignore Commands to remove servers or channels from the ignore list


g^counting Settings for Counting

g^topcounters Show the Counting leaderboard in this server.

Custom Help

g^findcategory Get the category where the command is present


g^ping View bot latency.


g^alert Alert the staff members

g^defender Defender commands reserved to staff

g^dset Defender system settings

g^silence Enables server wide message autodeletion for the specified rank (and below)

g^vaporize Gets rid of bad actors in a quick and silent way

g^voteout Initiates a vote to expel a user from the server


g^bank Base command to manage the bank.

g^economyset Base command to manage Economy settings.

g^leaderboard Print the leaderboard.

g^payday Get some free currency.

g^payouts Show the payouts for the slot machine.

g^slot Use the slot machine.


g^modlog Toggle various extended modlog notifications


g^filter Base command to add or remove words from the server filter.

g^filterset Base command to manage filter settings.


g^8 Ask 8 ball a question.

g^choose Choose between multiple options.

g^flip Flip a coin… or a user.

g^lmgtfy Create a lmgtfy link.

g^roll Roll a random number.

g^rps Play Rock Paper Scissors.

g^serverinfo Show server information.

g^stopwatch Start or stop the stopwatch.

g^urban Search the Urban Dictionary.


g^gif Retrieve the first search result from Giphy.

g^gifr Retrieve a random GIF from a Giphy search.

g^imgur Retrieve pictures from Imgur.


g^botstat Get stats about the bot including messages sent and received and other info.


g^levelerset Configuration commands.

g^profile Show your leveler progress. Default to yourself.

g^profileset Change settings of your profile.

g^register Allow you to start earning experience !

g^toplevel Show the server leaderboard !


g^logsfrom Logs the specified channel into a file, then uploads the file.


g^membercount Get count of all members + humans and bots separately.


g^ban Ban a user from this server and optionally delete days of messages.

g^kick Kick a user.

g^massban Mass bans user(s) from the server.

g^modset Manage server administration settings.

g^names Show previous names and nicknames of a member.

g^rename Change a member’s nickname.

g^slowmode Changes channel’s slowmode setting.

g^softban Kick a user and delete 1 day’s worth of their messages.

g^tempban Temporarily ban a user from this server.

g^unban Unban a user from this server.

g^voiceban Ban a user from speaking and listening in the server’s voice channels.

g^voicekick Kick a member from a voice channel.

g^voiceunban Unban a user from speaking and listening in the server’s voice channels.


g^case Show the specified case.

g^casesfor Display cases for the specified member.

g^listcases List cases for the specified member.

g^modlogset Manage modlog settings.

g^reason Specify a reason for a modlog case.


g^messages Displays how many messages the user has.

g^msgleaderboard Message Tracker Leaderboard, displays all the members

g^msgtop10 Displays the top 10 members in the leaderboard

g^mtset Message Count Settings.

g^trackignore Ignore yourself from message tracking.


g^activemutes Displays active mutes on this server.

g^mute Mute users.

g^mutechannel Mute a user in the current text channel.

g^muteset Mute settings.

g^unmute Unmute users.

g^unmutechannel Unmute a user in this channel.

g^voicemute Mute a user in their current voice channel.

g^voiceunmute Unmute a user in their current voice channel.


g^pressf Pay respects by pressing F


g^raffle Raffle group command

g^setraffle Set Raffle group command


g^retrigger Setup automatic triggers based on regular expressions


g^forgetme Remove all of your upcoming reminders.

g^reminder Manage your reminders.

g^remindme Create a reminder with optional reminder text.

g^remindmeset Manage RemindMe settings.


g^report Report a member

g^reportdm Enables/Disables the messages the bot sends on report

g^reportset Manage reports system


g^roletools Role tools commands


g^interact Start receiving and sending messages as the bot through DM.

g^say Make the bot say what you want in the desired channel.

g^sayad Same as say command, except it deletes the said message after a set number of seconds.

g^sayd Same as say command, except it deletes your message.

g^saym Same as say command, except role and mass mentions are enabled.


g^avatar Display a users avatar in chat

g^botstats Display stats about the bot

g^channeledit Modify channel options

g^channelstats Gets total messages in a specific channel as well as the user who has posted the most in that channel

g^emoji Post a large size emojis in chat

g^getguild Display info about servers the bot is on

g^getguilds Display info about multiple servers

g^getreactions Gets a list of all reactions from specified message and displays the user ID, Username, and Discriminator and the emoji name

g^getroles Displays all roles their ID and number of members in order of hierarchy

g^guildedit Edit various guild settings

g^guildemojis Display all server emojis in a menu that can be scrolled through

g^nummembers Display number of users on a server

g^pruneroles Perform various actions on users who haven’t spoken in x days

g^serverstats Gets total messages on the server and displays each channel separately as well as the user who has posted the most in each channel

g^topic Sets a specified channels topic

g^topmembers Lists top members on the server by join date

g^whois Display servers a user shares with the bot


g^inventory Displays your purchased items.

g^setshop Shop Settings group command

g^shop Shop group command


g^slashtag Slash Tag management with TagScript.


g^addreact Add an auto reaction to a word

g^delreact Delete an auto reaction to a word

g^listreact List reactions for this server


g^allstrikes Show all recent individual strikes.

g^delstrike Remove a single strike by its ID.

g^delstrikes Remove all strikes from a member.

g^strike Strike a user.

g^strikecounts Show the strike count for multiple users.

g^strikes Show all previous strikes for a user.


g^addreason Add a reason to a rejected suggestion.

g^approve Approve a suggestion.

g^reject Reject a suggestion. Reason is optional.

g^showsuggestion Show a suggestion.

g^suggest Suggest something. Message is required.

g^suggestset Various Suggestion settings.


g^invoketag Manually invoke a tag with its name and arguments.

g^tag Tag management with TagScript.

g^tags View all tags and aliases.


g^temprole TempRole Commands


g^templateposts Posts w/ Template Requirements


g^tips Toggle and setup tips.


g^trivia Start trivia session on the specified category.

g^triviaset Manage Trivia settings.


g^userinfo Show userinfo with some more detail.


g^actionlist List all configured automated actions for Warnings.

g^mywarnings List warnings for yourself.

g^reasonlist List all configured reasons for Warnings.

g^unwarn Remove a warning from a user.

g^warn Warn the user for the specified reason.

g^warnaction Manage automated actions for Warnings.

g^warnings List the warnings for the specified user.

g^warningset Manage settings for Warnings.

g^warnreason Manage warning reasons.