Frequently Asked Questions


More questions may be added depending on how frequently they are asked.

Q: I want to suggest a feature for the bot. How can I do this?

A: Go to the discord(under the support section of the wiki) or create an issue on this repository

Q: The bot is down, when will it be back up?

A: The bot shouldn’t be down unless I’m adding features to it. In that case all outages are on the support server.

Q: The bot is unresponsive, but is online. HELP!!!

A: This may be a part on discord’s end. Again all information about outages are on the support server!

Q: I found a bug when using the bot. Where do I report it?

A: You can report it under issues on this respiratory

Q: Can I get the premium version for free?

A: No, you can get premium by voting for my bot, or winning it in giveaways which are hosted on my discord servers!

Q: How do I invite the premium bot?

A: If you have bought it or have won it from a giveaway, you should automatically receive an invite for it, if not run ^botaccess invite in the support server!

Q. The premium bot is leaving my server once I invite it. Why is this?

A: You must run the following command in the support server: ^botaccess servers add <SERVERID>


To find your server id, right click the server name(if you have developer tools on) and click Copy ID


To turn on developer mode go to User Settings under App Settings click Advanced then make sure that Developer Mode is turned on.
